In this frequently asked question page, we will take a look solving challenges facing students and parents with tutorial videos.

The videos below will help address and solve various challenges such as

  • Registration
  • Reset lost passwords
  • Enroll in a course
  • Online notes taker
  • Discussion forum

How to register for a student account

  1. Visit
  2. Click on login
  3. Click on Register an Account
  4. Enter your information
  5. Your account will be automatically activated after 24 hours of registration so please ignore any activation email alert

How to reset a student password

  1. Visit
  2. Click on login
  3. Click on Register an Account
  4. Enter your information
  5. Your account will be automatically activated after 24 hours of registration so please ignore any activation email alert

How to register for a student account

  1. Visit
  2. Click on login
  3. Click on Register an Account
  4. Enter your information
  5. Your account will be automatically activated after 24 hours of registration so please ignore any activation email alert

How to register for a student account

  1. Visit
  2. Click on login
  3. Click on Register an Account
  4. Enter your information
  5. Your account will be automatically activated after 24 hours of registration so please ignore any activation email alert

How to register for a student account

  1. Visit
  2. Click on login
  3. Click on Register an Account
  4. Enter your information
  5. Your account will be automatically activated after 24 hours of registration so please ignore any activation email alert